Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Nightly Reading Expectations

The expectation here at Webb is that all students should be reading at least 20 min. each night.  I know that many of the children don't seem to be doing this.  It is AMAZING what just 20 min will do.
Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind...

  • Provide a quiet spot for your child to read to you or to read on their own.
  • Talk to them about what they are reading and how they are progressing through the book. 
  • Encourage them to stick with one book until it is completed and they have quizzed on it (if it is a quiz book).  I always tell my students to stick with a book for at least 3 chapters before they give up on it.  
  • Read early in the afternoon rather than at nighttime.  Some children do great reading 20 min. before bed and it may help them calm down.  Others may need an earlier routine because they are just too tired to read right before bed.  I know at my house reading while I make dinner works better for us.  Find a time that works for you and your child and begin a routine.  

Thank you for encouraging your child to complete their nightly reading.  You will see big payoffs in their achievement.

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