Friday, August 26, 2016

3/4 Grade Multiage Class: Writing, Writing, and More Writing

This week we have been focusing on introducing the six traits of writing and getting the hang of our vocabulary routines.  The children have been working really hard to complete their first study guide. These study guides really help the children to understand the words inside and out.  For each word they write the definition, 3 synonyms, a sentence (that shows that they understand the meaning of the word), and a picture to represent the word.  I check these over and send them home as they complete them.

Each day we have been reading a picture book that represents a trait of writing.  The 6 traits of writing are: organization, voice, conventions, sentence fluency, word choice, and ideas.  We read The Blessing Cup and The Keeping Quilt for voice and organization.  Both are wonderful stories of items that were passed down from generation to generation.  It spurred a conversation about family traditions.  So that day many of the children wrote about a favorite family tradition that their family has.  Maggie's journal entry made me really think.

My Halloween Tradition
By: Maggie
Every Year at Halloween my family does the tradition with the Switch Witch.  Every year we leave out candy for the Switch Witch, then the Switch Witch comes at night and takes the candy but leaves toy for morning.

I don't know about you, but I love this tradition.  Sounds like a great idea to have the Switch Witch visit.  :)

Hope you have a wonderful weekend.  Please remember that our first vocabulary test will be on Friday, September 2.  Please utilize Quizlet, study guides, or the book list to help your child study.

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