Wednesday, September 28, 2016

NEXT Vocab Test for Walters' Reading

Our next vocabulary test will be on Wednesday, October 5.

3rd grade is working on the super list.  I have given them the list, but here it is.  
1. superb– extremely good
2. superior– above the average in excellence
3. superstition-  odd beliefs that have no strong evidence to be true
4. superficial– being at or near the surface
5. supervise– to oversee a process, work, or workers

ALSO, review the following stems...
re– again 
spec– look
super– over
pre– before 

Here is the Quizlet link...

4th Grade- please remember to study the review stems at the end of the lesson in the book.  They are also included on the Quizlet page.  Caesar's English Lesson 4 

Remember each test is a cumulative review of the previous tests.  They need to know the definitions of all the stems we have learned thus far and the vocabulary words from lesson 2.

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