Monday, August 22, 2016

4th Grade Reading- Vocabulary Tips

4th Grade Friends, 
We will begin our vocabulary study this week.  Some of you have done Caesar's English with me before, but some have not.  Let me give you a few helpful hints... (I will be sharing these with your children as well.)

1) Have your children use Quizlet to help them study.  This is a review tool that can be accessed at home.  I have created a quiz for this week's list here...

2) Ask your child to bring home their book.  This is where the list is located. 

3) Have your child study the analogies in the book as well.  These are often on the test.  

4) Study the words and the stems.  Your child should be able to define both. 

5) Each test will have a bonus section.  If you can name three more words that contain the same stem you could earn 5 bonus points (Odd Numbered Lists Only).  On the even numbered weeks your child may get 5 bonus points if they can list 3 synonyms for each word. 

6) Caesar's English's odd numbered lessons we will study for 2 weeks and the even numbered lessons we will just spend one week on.  The two week lists have 15 words and the one week lists have only 5 words.  Lesson one test will be on September 2nd.

7) When we begin lesson 2, make sure that you study the cumulative list at the end of the lesson!  For example in lesson two the cumulative list is on page 20.  Each week you will be expected to know all the stems and vocabulary from previous weeks.  

I have had parents with older children tell me that if you learn all the words this year in this manner it will make 5th grade much easier.  In fifth grade they do Caesar's English II.  Please let me know if you have any questions as we go along.  

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